Myth and Humanity

February 15, 2010 · Posted in Uncategorized 
Adam as a Hussar by Carl Mefferd

Adam as a Hussar by Carl Mefferd

Adam loved mythology.  When he was about 8 years old, he became extremely curious about myths.  At that time, he began to read about Roman mythology… and he later read Greek, Norse, Celtic and Indian.  He was drawn to the archetypal stories of heroes, life journeys, stuggle.  In school, he was often sidelined at that time.  It wasn’t until 4th grade that he began to emerge as a gifted and unique thinker.   Before then, he was just viewed as different.

His attraction to the heroic struggles of ancient men never waned.  He often painted or drew characters from ancient Rome.  He listened to music from the Russian Army Band… large, bold dramatic movements.  And whenever a particularly challenging event was in his path, Adam loved to listen to Queen.  “We Are the Campions.”  It was at these times that he would pace and listen to the driving music, and deeply contemplate and psych himself into the frame of mind of confidence, certainty… clarity of purpose, determination.

I often hear Adam telling me to be braver.  I hear him telling me to stand up and to step forward and to believe in myself and in my purpose… these must have been the messages he heard from the gods… his coaches in his life’s short journey.


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