A Note to Marie Osmond

February 28, 2010 · Posted in Boys & Men, Our Stories, Uncategorized · Comment 

Dear Marie,293.osmond.boys.lr.022710
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beautiful son, Michael.  I can see what a dedicated and supportive woman you are, and what a wonderful mother.  It’s such a shock and so painful.

I am writing because I have walked in your shoes.  My beautiful son, Adam, took his own life on Jan. 11, 2008.  He also left a note.  He also was beautiful and well loved.

I am not writing to explain anything, because it is truly the unthinkable.  But I am writing to say that I have found some comfort as time has gone on.  I thought it would kill me.   But it hasn’t.  I have learned to listen for Adam’s voice.  I refuse to say goodbye to him.  I do believe that the spirit survives death, and although there are huge mysteries … all religions point to the survival of the spirit.  I miss my Adam’s skin, but I still have his heart.

I hope you will find some comfort as you travel this very difficult road.  I want you to know, that if you ever want to talk, as one mother to another, I am here for you.  I will pray for you and your family.

Marie, just one more thing… don’t let your thoughts gravitate to the place where you take any blame for this.  That is grief’s darkest road, and you will get lost on it.  I know you did your best as a mom… and you know it… and Michael knows it too.  Don’t punish yourself.    That’s a dark tunnel – which doesn’t lead to anything good.  Just remember how much you love him.  And anyone could see that you do.  I don’t mean to give you advice… I just know these few things about suicide, grief and recovery.

God bless you, Marie.  And God bless Michael.

Bobbie Marquis

5 Roses

July 11, 2009 · Posted in Healing · Comment 

A RoseThursday was my birthday, and all day I thought of Adam.  I think that wherever he is, he was thinking of me, because I felt him so strongly. Read more