Why Did It Happen?

September 11, 2008 · Posted in Causal Theories, Our Stories · Comment 

When someone asks how Adam died, I say that he took his own life.

Adam at 9 months only

Adam at 9 months

The silence that follows is loaded.  The person is often thinking about the ‘why’ and the ‘how.’   As for the “how” – what difference does it really make.  Death is never pretty.  And it is our morbid curiosity that wants the details.  But the ‘why.’  This is what we must ask ourselves.  How else can we learn, and help to prevent it from happening again.   From the first day that this tragedy occurred, I have tried to understand the reasons.

There are many layers to the answer.  There is the immediate time in which his suicide took place.  There are the days leading up to his suicide, and there is his entire life.

This post may take me a while to complete… because as I undertake it, I realize how difficult it is.  I’ll continue this thread later.